小鸟天堂是广东新会闻名中外的生态旅游景点,天然赏鸟胜地,它位于新会城区以南10公里的天马村。 380多年前,河中一个泥墩、一棵榕树长期繁衍,形成枝叶覆盖1万多平方米,树上栖鸟千万只,鸟类树相依,人鸟相处,和谐奇特,世间罕有的一道天然美丽风景线。1933年,文学大师巴金先生乘船游览后叹为观止,写下优美散文《鸟的天堂》,“小鸟天堂”从此得名。大师这篇经典作品被镌刻在景区入口广场上供游人品味,美文赞美景,美景更多娇,使人更加热爱美,向往美。 历来深受游客赞誉的小鸟天堂,2002年重新规划扩建,并对动、植物自然生态群落加以悉心保护和优化,形成占地面积40万平方米,以独特的鸟类生态风景为主题,集生态旅游、文化旅游、健康旅游、休闲旅游于一体,充分展现旅游新时尚的园林化,多功能大型景区。 小鸟天堂的鸟类以野生鹭鸟居多,还有毛鸡、麻鹤……白鹭晨出暮归,灰鹭暮出朝回,他们依时有序,互不干扰,极有风度。每于清晨薄雾中,万千灵鸟嘎嘎呼唤,翩翩起舞,凌空翱翔,野趣盎然,蔚为壮观;那一片和鸣谐调的天籁之声,“人间那得几回闻”。除了观鸟听鸟,还可欣赏绿树碧水与蓝天白鸟相映成趣的优美景致和享受具有岭南水乡特色的河上休闲乐趣,给你一种全新感受……“人间毕竟有天堂”! 远离尘嚣,走进天堂,拥抱自然,亲近小鸟,净化心灵,充实生命,请到小鸟天堂来。它是鸟的天堂,也是你的乐园! The Birds' Paradise is a well- known ecological travelling scenery and natural birds' enjoyment paradise.It is located in Tianma Village, which is 10 kilometers to the south of Xinhui City,Guangdong Province. About 380 years ago,a banian with mire in the river has been multiplied for a long time,and now it forms a natural beautiful scenic spot rarely. Its branches and leaves cover 10,000 square meters , there are tenthousands of birds live in the banian. In 1933, a renowned literati -- Mr.Bajin had ever written a lyric prose"The Birds' Paradise" after he visited such marvellous scenery by boat,The Birds'Paradise is named after that. Nowadays , the classical prose of Mr.Bajin has been engraved upon Entrance Square in the scenic spot, which can arouse people's enthusiasm for beauty. The Birds' Paradise has been praised by tourists all the time, in 2002, it has been extended and reconstru-cted, what's more, we will enhance the protection and the optimization of the natural ecological community. The Birds' Paradise will occupy 400,000 square meters, take the birds' special ecological scenery as the theme, gather ecological , cultural, healthy and casual tourism as a whole , finally , a large-scale , updated, multiple-function scenic spot will fully present before your eyes. Most of the birds in the Birds' Paradise is wild egret, such as cattle egret and pond heron, In the morning,the white egrets fly away and the gray egrets come back, while in the evening, the gray egrets go out and thewhite egrets return. They do their activities punctually without disturbingachother. Everyearly morning under the mist, various of birds start dancing gracefully and hovering in the sky, which are full of rustic charm. If you want to hear such melodious sound of the birds , please don't hesitate to come to the Birds' Paradise.Furthermore, you can enjoy the amusement with Guangdong's water country characteristic.You may sigh with the feeling that paradise really exists on the earth. Here, you can depart from the uproar, embrace the nature, close to kinds of birds, purify the soul and enrich the mind , isn't it fantastic? It is the Birds' Paradise,and is your paradise as well. |